Course Information
Fascial Kinetics
Fascial Kinetics, researched and developed by Russell Sturgess, is one of the longest running Bowen courses, and Fascial Kinetics graduates are trained to become highly competent practitioners.
This course covers more than the basic Bowen Therapy. It also uniquely offers explanations for the mechanical, physiological and emotional relationships that exist within the body, and demonstrates how Bowen therapy is able to assist in bringing harmony to these relationships.
Russell Sturgess studied with Ossie Rentsch, one of Tom Bowen’s students, in 1987 and began teaching his Fascial Kinetics course in 1989. The course honors the tradition of Bowen, but grounds it in science and healing philosophy.
A team of inspired instructors now teach courses in Australia and New Zealand.
The Principles of Fascial Kinetics
Our course creates opportunities for change through working with the most dynamic medium of our body, the fascia, to access and transform the deeper parts of our being.
Fundamental to Fascial Kinetics is the belief that the body heals itself given the right conditions. The results achieved by a practitioner, is a reflection of their intention and attitude alongside the skills and techniques applied. “Healing is listening”.
What sets Fascial Kinetics apart from the other modalities is that it uniquely offers fascial anatomy, healing philosophy, nutrition & supplements alongside clinical assessment and procedures. We explain how and why the technique works so effectively on the body, mind, emotions and soul. The course by its nature is holistic in approach.
Who can learn Fascial Kinetics?
Fascial Kinetics offers training for students both new to Bowen Therapy, and to any bodywork. For previously trained Bowen practitioners Fascial Kinetics training deepens their understanding and enhances the application of their skills as a healer.
The Training Program
Fascial Kinetics is a comprehensive training program designed to teach Bowen Therapy in a progressive manner giving participants time to integrate the information and fine-tune the skill of the technique in preparation for clinical practice. The course is supported with detailed colour manuals and supporting material.
Fascial Kinetics Practitioner Course Outline
The Practitioner Course is a blend of 12 teacher contact days and self-paced distance education. The course is taught over 3 modules (courses BT1, BT2 & BT3) focusing on the practical work of Bowen Therapy as well as a detailed explanation and demonstration of how the therapy works. This is supported by theory which teaches the guidelines for giving safe Bowen Therapy treatments and for running a practice. All teaching is supported by the comprehensive student manual with each module.
Bowen Therapy 1 - $850.00
Teacher contact – 4 day workshop:
The Bowen procedures are learnt through demonstration, discussion and application. The practical component is supported by essential theory incorporating an understanding of how Bowen Therapy works, history, healing philosophy, guidelines for use, clinical procedure and basic fascial anatomy. Healing philosophies of the different modalities are examined.
At the end of BT 1 you will be able to, with some confidence, use the technique within a restricted scope of practice to give basic treatments.
Bowen Therapy 2 - $850.00
Teacher contact – 4 day workshop:
Additional Bowen procedures are learnt through demonstration, discussion and application. All the procedures are practised, and students are taught to put together a basic body balance sequence and basic treatment plans, with clients in a variety of positions. The final day covers an important module on client assessment and treatment protocol. Both theory and practical are supported by a unit on the art of listening and awareness in healing, which forms the basis of the Fascial Kinetics philosophy.
At the end of BT 2 you will be able to, with confidence, use the technique within a basic scope of practice to give complete treatments for simple health problems.
Bowen Therapy 3 - $850.00
Teacher contact – 4 day workshop:
This workshop focuses on deepening the skills and knowledge required to work successfully as a Bowen Therapy practitioner. The Bowen Therapy procedures are revised and fascial anatomy is investigated in greater depth to give a deeper understanding of how each move in each procedure impacts on key fascial, muscle, nerve, circulatory and lymphatic structures. Treatment plans and case scenarios are practised in a simulated clinic environment. The key skills for practice management are developed and the final unit on healing philosophy is explored.
At the successful completion of BT 3 you will be able to use Fascial Kinetics within an expanded scope of practice at a practitioner level, incorporating client assessment skills and deeper understanding of the technique, to address a wider range of health problems.
Self-paced distance education:
3 x Distance Education Workbooks
100 logged and recorded case study sessions.
Experience and report on 3 Bowen treatments
Anatomy & Physiology covering all systems of the human body Workplace
First Aid or equivalent
At the successful completion of all units you will be able to use Fascial Kinetics within an expanded scope of practice at practitioner level, incorporating client assessment skills and deeper understanding of the technique. (Attendance of all teacher contact days is required.)
Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.
Fascial Kinetics is a version of Bowen Therapy which sets the standard in Bowen education. It differs from other Bowen schools in that its curriculum is based on a holistic model of healing. The teaching is supported by a philosophy of healing which balances the science of healing with the craft and art of healing. Fascial Kinetics can be used alone or
with other therapies to achieve great results and is easy to learn and apply to achieve lasting changes.